Working at Basler & Hofmann has many facets: It means working on exciting projects and challenging assignments. It also means inspiring and cooperative teamwork with specialists from a wide range of disciplines, and it means being valued as an individual and supported in one’s own development. All of these factors come together to ensure that Basler & Hofmann is a highly rewarding place to work – from both a professional and a personal perspective.
Attractive working environment
Flexible working hours
Our staff enjoy a great deal of independence when it comes to time planning and have considerable freedom to structure their own working hours. We work on the basis of annual working hours, and are open to various part-time models – ideally from 60 per cent upwards. Overtime can be compensated with time off arranged in agreement with the team.
Professional and personal development
We look for individuals with initiative who want to develop further and are open for new challenges. This is why it is important to us to open up new perspectives: with new assignments in a project or in a different specialist area, by internal or external trainings.
Work and family life
Achieving a work-life balance requires not only flexibility with working hours, but also a corporate culture that actively supports this value. At Basler & Hofmann part-time working is commonplace for men and women and in all functions.
Exchange and cooperation
Our project work is based on exchange between disciplines, between young and more experienced specialists, and between different approaches. There are lots of opportunities to meet new people: at excursions, corporate events or internal get-togethers. We also have a regular exchange program with our parent company in Switzerland. All of these opportunities help employees to feel at home very quickly.

What is important to us – corporate culture
The project is core
The project is the focal point of our approach . Project teams are put together in such a way that technical requirements are optimally fulfilled – regardless of our organisational structure. This means that we take an interdisciplinary approach to our work, and do so in very flat hierarchies. Project leaders perform a central role and have considerable freedom in their work.
Challenging assignments
The more complex, the better –many of our staff think. We thrive on “difficult” assignments that are a real challenge to solve. We promise our clients excellent results, and there is huge knowledge potential on hand at Basler & Hofmann to enable us to achieve them. Thanks to interdisciplinary project teams, our open doors policy and numerous exchange platforms, each and every individual is able to tap into this potential.
The team is the star
Team spirit is a top priority for us. The focus is on joint success with everyone doing their best to achieve it. This can often be a challenge: particularly in interdisciplinary teams, one sometimes has to rethink one’s own “ideal” solution. The task of overcoming such challenges is made much easier by a willingness to engage in dialogue, curiosity and perseverance.
Trust and support
We nurture a culture of trust that is based on an open and honest approach to colleagues. Our employees work with a strong sense of personal responsibility and high standards for quality – and can rely on receiving support particularly in difficult moments.
Starting your career at Basler & Hofmann
Starting one’s career is a very special step – now it’s time to get serious. We provide solid professional and personal support to ensure that this new experience is highly enjoyable and rewarding.
For graduates
Graduation behind you – ready for your first job? You will receive extensive support in your first years of working with us, and will be introduced to new assignments step by step. Your mentor will be available to help you with any questions and concerns you might have.
For students
Still studying – but looking for some practical experience? The easiest way in is through a work placement in which students can gain an impression of working life in a protected environment. We offer work placements for students in all major fields of civil engineering. More information
Facts and figures
About us
- We are about 44 people working at Basler & Hofmann Bratislava, 16 of us are chartered civil engineers. The Basler & Hofmann group employs around 700 people of more than 30 disciplines.
- Our average age is 39
- 38 per cent of us are female
- Every year about 20 per cent of our staff takes part in excursions or work stays in Switzerland.
Further points of interest
- We defray the charges for examinations and memberships in professional institutions.